Generating Community Action Around Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessability

Do I.D.E.A. is a Curated Collaborative Community of citizens, organizations, and businesses generating action around Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility.

Action Generating.

IDEA Labs are local based initiatives utilizing community assets to generating social impact projects. Do I.D.E.A. works to remove any barriers or obstacles preventing individuals or groups within a community from getting involved in projects or initiatives that benefit their local community. This include providing resources, education, and support to help people take action and make a positive impact on their local community.


DoIDEA productions is media platform focused on promoting and amplifying marginalized voices, and highlighting issues related to social justice and equity. The platform is a valuable resource for people who are interested in learning about diverse perspectives and experiences, and for those who are seeking to engage with and support underrepresented communities.

Community Curating.

The I.D.E.A Network is a curated community of citizens, businesses, and organization dedicated to advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility. Through a collaborative community of actors the I.D.E.A Network works to generate new power, influence and social capital.

Utilizing Asset Based Community Development techniques and strategies integrated with new and emerging technology the network will develop the skills, knowledge, and passion needed to effect change within local communities as well as organization and industries.