Generating Social Impact through Community Led Projects utilizing principles of collaboration and integration of emerging technology

  • Identify the Community

    IDEA labs begin by identifying the community where the project will take place. This could be done through community outreach, surveys, or through key partnerships.

    1. Geographic Location

    2. Issue based target population.

    3. The initial collaborator/ Client

  • Community Mapping and Resource Mining

    IDEA Lab staff provides initial research on local community including key stakeholder, organizations, and businesses.

    1. Recruiting the Project Team

    2. Key Local Resources to recruit

      1. Art, Music Culture, Food,

      2. Community Groups/ Organizations

    3. Other Resources

      1. Nonprofits

      2. Community Organizations

      3. Neighborhood Associations

      4. Businesses

  • Project Proposal Development

    IDEA Lab consultants facilitate project strategic planning using the information gathered in the first two steps. The project team develops a proposal that addresses a specific need or challenge in the community. The proposal should also outline the specific technologies that will be used to achieve the project goals.

    1. Project Team Ideation Facilitation Project strategic plan consulting and facilitation Initial Proposal community dissemination

  • Community Engagement

    IDEA lab projects are community led and driven. IDEA consultants provide administrative resources, coordination, and resource development to the project team to engage with the wider community. This could include coordinating community meetings, workshops, and other forms of engagement to ensure that the project is community-driven and addresses the needs of the community.

    1. Coordination and Communication

    2. Feedback and Evaluation tools-

    3. Admin and resource development-

  • Implementation

    The implementation of the project is driven by the design team and the key stakeholders identified through community engagement. IDEA consultants offer administration, facilitation, and resource development throughout the implementation stage of the project.

  • Community Celebration

    It is vitally important to celebrate the work and accomplishments of everyone involved in the project. A community celebration allows for the project team and local community members to gather to celebrate not just the project, but the culture, care, and comradery of the community. This could be an event such as a festival or a public presentation.

Other Activities

  • Project Continuation and Sustainability

    IDEA Lab projects are fully dependent on the participants, but the program encourages project teams to build out sustainable projects. Staff will also assist with continuation at request of the project team, and will also provide resource development and administrative support as needed.

  • Storytelling Production

    After the project is completed, the program should create a storytelling production that highlights the community's assets and how they were used to achieve the project goals. This could include a short film, a podcast, or other forms of storytelling.

  • Marketing

    Do I.D.E.A. recognizes the financial constraints of project and provides marketing resources and financing at the direction of the project team. All IDEA lab generated media is also used in marketing and fundraising efforts of Do I.D.E.A.

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